Ad #25- 1994 Cosby Jell-O Commercial Friday, Apr 29 2011 

Bill Cosby starred in many commercials over the years for Jell-O. Infact, I remember this commercial when I was a little girl and I remember seeing Cosby on Sesame Street and he has always been able to relate and interact with kids.

I think he is thought of as a “family guy” and that is why Jell-O has used him for so long. I think a lot of people remember his Jell-O pudding commercial. That was also a very popular commercial for Jell-O. I personally love this commercial because it’s very colorful and cute, and I think it was great how the kids interacted with Cosby!

Ad #24- Commercial Friday, Apr 29 2011 

This commercial  advertised on  the Super Bowl starting in 1999 and every year through Super Bowl XXXVIII. Monster’s first-ever Super Bowl ad, “When I Grow Up,” was asking job seekers, “What did you want to be?” It is the only commercial named to Time magazine’s list of the “Best Television of 1999.” 

Ad #23- Johnson for President “Daisy” Commercial Friday, Apr 29 2011 

This was a commercial in 1964 to advertise for President Johnson during his campaign. “Daisy Girl” or “Peace, Little Girl,” was a controversial campaign advertisement. It was aired only once on September 7, 1964. It remains one of the most controversial political advertisements ever made.

I personally thought it was a sweet, and powerful commercial. The attack ad was designed to capitalize on comments made by presidential candidate Barry Goldwater about the possibility of using nuclear weapons in Vietnam.

Ad #22- McDonald’s Advertisement Friday, Apr 29 2011 

This McDonald’s advertisement, “Let’s Eat Out” was one of the first slogans ever used in a McDonald’s ad campaign, and lasted from 1960-1965.

To date, McDonald’s has used 23 different slogans in United States advertising, as well as a few other slogans for select countries and regions. At times, it has run into trouble with its campaigns. I think that this ad has a slogan that many still remember to this date.

Ad #21- Marlboro Baby Advertisement Friday, Apr 29 2011 

In 1950, Marlboros were promoted as a cigarette for mothers. Leo Burnett helped the company to reposition Marlboro as a rugged man’s cigarette by inventing Marlboro Man. 

The most famous brand in cigarettes was actually marketed as a mommy stress reliever during this period of time. What better way to market to a mom than with cute babies in the 1950’s. NOT!

Ad #20- Coppertone Tan Advertisement Friday, Apr 29 2011 

This was the first Coppertone advertisement that appeared in the 1950’s. Public health campaigns in recent years have for the most part focused on the dangers of sunlight overexposure. Also the benefits of sunscreen have been widely marketed since the 1950s by sunscreen companies. 

At the turn of the 21st century, Coppertone revised drawings of the Coppertone Girl, so it would be less revealing in an era of heightened sensitivity. Some recent versions show only the girl’s lower back, as opposed to her buttocks, or wearing a T-shirt, a hat, and holding a bottle of Coppertone while the puppy is shown pulling on her shirt.

Ad #19- 7-Up “Uncola” Commercial Friday, Apr 29 2011 

The”Uncola” commercial echoed the market perfectly and proved an to be a success. As a result of the campaign, 7-Up sales went up 56 percent in one year.

7-Up sales in supermarkets increased by 42 percent over the preceding three years and the “Uncola” campaign topped all soft drinks in correct theme identification. “Uncola” became a national catchphrase, still recalled by many to this day.

Ad #18- Tape Worm Advertisement Friday, Apr 29 2011 

This ad appeared in the 1930’s. It is clearly though that urban legend folks will call it a hoax. Even more unreal is finding  that there is a modern day site that will actually help you buy and ingest a tapeworm.

That is very interesting, and that is fascinating that woman went those great lengths even years ago to be skinny.

Ad #17- Venereal Disease Advertisement Friday, Apr 29 2011 

In the 1930s, veneral disease was identified as a serious public health problem. Through The Health and Public Welfare Act, 1931, the country had a comprehensive regulatory system for dealing with the disease.

Wartime conditions, especially the arrival of thousands of members of the Canadian and American armed forces, magnified the problem. This caused advertisements like this one to become more common to be seen by the public.

Ad #16- Rockford Varnish Advertisement Friday, Apr 29 2011 

This ad and others ran in trade publications from the 1930s through the 1950s.  It was an advertisement for a furniture company. The fact that it ran for 20 years shows that the ad probably did have a good respond from the public.

I am just shocked though because it is so sexual, and full frontal nudity of a woman. I don’t really understand how that relates to furniture?

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